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BUSTED! Amber Heard SOLD EVIDENCE of Johnny Depp to TMZ, files motion to dismiss ex-employee witness

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Amber Heard SOLD EVIDENCE of Johnny Depp to TMZ, files motion to dismiss ex-employee witness

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BUSTED! Amber Heard SOLD EVIDENCE of Johnny Depp to TMZ, please subscribe and ring the bell so you NEVER miss a live!

The Aquaman Starlet is busted yet again! When YouTubers starting sharing and talking about the Johnny Depp cabinet video, one thing stood out: all the videos were receiving copyright claims on behalf of TMZ. The short video was filmed by none other than the Aquaman starlet herself, making her the original copyright owner, so it became clear who sold it to the media outlet. Drum roll please. You guessed it: The one with nearly 4.5 million signatures to have her removed from Aquaman 2. Amber Heard. (Sign the petition below)

(Switch) Johnny Depp called upon his new witness that can prove Amber Heard sold the illegally-taken video to TMZ. Producer Morgan Tremain could testify that Amber sold it to him. I mean, one look at the headlines over this case, it becomes clear that the media is being manipulated since many of the articles are in favour of the Aquaman Starlet.

(Switch) And TMZ is panicking. The gossip website have filed a motion to dismiss the witness from taking the stand, in hopes to protect the confidentiality of the person who sold it to them. Writing that they rely on “journalists privilege”. But really, it sounds like they are trying to cover their butts from a lawsuit with Johnny Depp. Johnny could sue the outlet for helping to propagate the elaborate hoax made up by the Aquaman starlet.

(Switch) TMZ when they first published the video left out the part where Amber Heard is seen smiling at the end. And many victims of DV have stated that they would never knowingly put themselves in harms way like she did in the video. It became clear to many people, including myself, that Amber was entrapping Johnny Depp into behaving like this for the camera. Johnny had just lost a huge chunk of his fortune right before the clip was taken.

Johnny’s defending himself by saying he was taking his anger out on the cabinets and not on Amber Heard. And that it was illegally filmed as he was in the privacy of his own home, and didn’t give her permission to film him. Let alone sell the video.

The plot thickens: as a resurfaced text shows that Amber Heard was communicating directly with TMZ.

Anyway, I hope TMZ gets exposed along with other media outlets trying to further Amber Heard’s bogus narrative. What do you guys think? Sound off in the comments below and don’t forget to subscribe by hitting my face on the right hand side.

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