Justice League brake up

“You are Outvoted, You have no Power here” Justice League Collection – https://a.co/1M7LiO2 My Dream Computer : https://a.co/4mOEj4a Green Lantern Outvotes Batman in a Vote they held for League’s Reformation Process and later Batman returns the favour in a way Green Lantern is unable to have a comeback. This League’s reformation is a practice programme
“Try your best to make me go Nuts” Original Content : Justice League Collection – https://www.amazon.com/shop/animationcc?listId=1NMYO6NIBJD66 Justice League is broken into pieces and the Secret Society takes down each member of the League like it’s no big deal at all. Superman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Hawkgirl gets beaten up into a pulp. Justice League VS