-Do you remember that animated series that made you love the DC characters? Well, DC have being making us going watch superhero movies since than. This is a Live Action version of DC’s Justice League Unlimited, which brings ower favorite characters back together.- Você se lembra daquela série que fez você amar os personagens da
Animated version: youtube.com/watch?v=WwVgB0MRCVg I tried to be as faithful as possible to the animated version! I hope you enjoy 🙂 ———————————— Versão animada: youtube.com/watch?v=WwVgB0MRCVg Tentei ser o mais fiel possível a versão animada! Espero que gostem 🙂
Review of the Shazam Family 4-pack exclusive from Matty Collector.com
me gusta mucho la liga de la justicia… ahhhh y toy aburrido sin mi negrita jajaja…